Wednesday, December 20, 2006

* Shuhada Al Haramain


MUHAMMAD IBN SHADHAF ASH-SHIHRI , ABU TARIQ AL-ASWAD (we consider him as such and Allah is his Reckoner) Riyaad, Arabian Peninsula : Rabee' al-Awwal

All the praise is due to Allah, and all thanks are due to Allah. O Allah, to You belongs all praise until You are pleased, and to You belongs all praise when You are pleased, and to You belongs all praise after You are pleased. To You belongs all praise as much as we can say, and to You belongs all praise more than we can say. To You belongs all praise, and in Your hand is all dominion, and to You return all affairs. All praise is due to Allah, Who said [meaning]:
"Fight against them, Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them, and give you victory over them and heal the chests of a believing people."
All praise is due to Allah, and that is sufficient; and may blessings and peace be upon the chosen Prophet, who said:

"Expel the Mushrikeen from the Arabian Peninsula."

O Allah, send blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions, and grant them peace abundantly until the Day of Recompense.
As to what follows:
Brothers in Islam, Jihad is one of the obligations of Islam, and a fundamental pillar of this pure religion, which falsehood cannot come to neither from its front or its back. Verily, Jihad has been named as the highest peak of Islam, the symbol of honour and glory for Islam and the Muslims. And no Muslim has any doubt that Jihad in the Way of Allah is one of the greatest of the Sha'a'ir (outward symbols) of the religion, which has safeguarded for the Ummah its stability, glory and awe, and likewise it is not hidden from every Muslim who has understanding and awareness that the cause of its defeat and loss today is the disappearance of the banner of Jihad in the Way of Allah.

Verily, the outside enemies of this religion, from the Jews and Christians and those who associate partners [with Allah], and likewise its inside enemies, from the hypocrites and apostates and secularists, have plotted their plot to efface the banner of Jihad and to kill it within the souls of the Ummah, yet how far, how far [they are from achieving that]...

And we understand that the way to be rid of this historical crisis that the Ummah has entered is Jihad in the Way of Allah and the Tarbiyah (education, nurturing) of Jihad, and that its return from this loss in which it lives is the return to its Lord, and the implementation of the Sha'a'ir of its religion with that which Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) and his Companions were upon.
Ummah of Islam! Throughout history, Islam has fought many fierce battles, and the Muslims have entered many wars against the worldwide coalition of Kufr, and Islam has come out of it - and to Allah belongs all praise and favour - successful and victorious... then the horses lay down and the lions fell asleep in their dens for a long time, and the lion cubs were brought up and fed upon futility, and they chose that which was lesser over that which was better for them, and the desires came back, urging on the dreams of the enemies of Allah that Islam was dead, their old hatred and their blameworthy nature spurring them on.
So there appeared conspiracies and plots aimed at the existence of the Muslims and the wealth and resources of the Islamic world. And the issues of Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir, Afghanistan, and today Iraq, and there are many more... all of these are nothing but links in the chain of the international Kufr against Islam and its people. And these governments and regimes that rule the lands of the Muslims are nothing but examples of clear and indisputable collusion with the enemies of the religion of Allah, in order to remove the Law of Allah from the Muslims.

And these governments have established their regimes and their laws upon the rejection of every value, ethic and fundamental principle that the Shari'ah has brought, except for one: the regime of Al Sa'ud, which has continued to deceive the people and to claim love for knowledge and for the 'Ulama', and love for serving the religion. And I call Allah as a Witness over what I say: Verily, this regime, the regime of "Al Salul" (reference to 'Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul, the leader of the hypocrites in al-Madinah), has nothing at all to do with Islam. It is nothing but empty claims, lies, and deceit of the slaves of Allah. And in order to keep the bases of their regime firm, they have been assisted by the 'Ulama' of the kings, who have deceived the Ummah and betrayed the religion.

So here are the Americans, and other than them from among the Mushrikeen, going here and there around the land of the Haramayn, as if it is one of their own states, and here are their military bases in every place, and here are their warplanes, tanks, air defenses and command centres in the land of Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam), as if it is an ordinary thing. And when you ask about the reason why they are here, it is said: "They came here for our service!" And Prince Sultan comes on the television for you and says: "There is no basis for the claim of the existence of the American forces in our country, and what the people are talking about regarding the stories of the existence of the American forces in our country is not true!"

And when you go to the 'Ulama' and tell them of that, it is said to you: "They are Mu'ahideen (under the covenant of protection by the Muslim state), and it is not allowed to harm them!" How can they be Mu'ahideen, O slaves of Allah? When they have come with their weapons and their tanks and their warplanes and their destroyers? They are Harbiyyeen (at war with the Muslims) and fighters, and this was clearly stated by the American Defense Minister Rumsfeld when he visited Saudi Arabia for a few days during his most recent visit. He said: "We are grateful to Saudi Arabia for the help and service that it has provided us during our war against Iraq, and there is no longer a need for the American forces inside Saudi Arabia." These words prove that what the apostate Prince Sultan said was not true, a clear contradiction that even a young child could understand before an adult.

For the airport at 'Ar'ar is filled with American soldiers, and likewise the military airbase at al-Kharj is filled with B-52, F-15 and F-16 aircraft as well as air defenses, and likewise, my beloved brothers, the airports that you do not even know about. And the bases at at-Ta'if, the new base at al-Qaseem, the base at Khamees Mushayt, and likewise the seaports that have been opened to allow the destroyers to dock there... all of this, O slaves of Allah, in order to strike our Muslim brothers in every place. So the war today is against the Islamic world, and it is waged from the blessed land that announces to the Muslims that it is an Islamic state, a lie and a forgery, a deception and clear Kufr in what was sent down to Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam).
But their hope has failed, and they have failed and clearly lost. For verily the youths of Islam have become aware of this red wound with which Allah has tried them, to test their Iman and their patience. The Lord of Honour and Glory says [meaning]:
"Verily, they are planning a plan, and I am planning a plan. So give respite to the infidels, give them respite for a while."

So to those who lose sleep over our Jihad, and who make every effort to silence our rifles, we say:
"Verily, our Jihad will continue with the Permission of Allah, and our fingers are on the trigger and will never cease from you with the Permission of Allah, fighting relentlessly. Our fighting is that of the one whose heart longs to meet his Lord, and does the one who hopes for the meeting with his Lord fear death? And does the one who awaits one of the two best things fear the battle - the one who hopes for either victory or martyrdom? Verily, our resolve is increased day by day, and strengthened by every victory and miracle!"
Thus, the history of our Islamic Ummah is built upon purity of intention towards Allah (subhanahu wa-ta'ala), and truly turning to Him, and following the guidance of the chosen Prophet ('alayhis-salatu was-salam). And thereafter, you see amazing things. All judgements and assumptions are reversed, and all intellectual and logical impressions overturned. The Lord of Honour and Glory says [meaning]:
"How often a small group overcame a large group by Allah's Permission."

My brothers in the religion of Ibrahim...
Verily, the operation that we are performing today against the Americans and others in the land of the Haramayn, it is but a response to Allah ('azza wa-jall), and a response to the call of His Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam), when he said:
"Expel the Mushrikeen from the Arabian Peninsula,"
and an assistance to our oppressed brothers everywhere. We have come to you, O Americans, with slaughter; so await us...

And this deed is dedicated to the vanguard of light, that noble vanguard, in which the Mujahideen and the martyrs have gone forth, on a path spread out with entrails, watered with blood, and bordered with skulls...
To the vanguard of those who are firm upon the truth, holding onto the burning coals, aiming to raise the banner of Jihad...

To the martyrs, to all of the heroes, to the protectors of the Islamic fortresses, to the defenders of honour and nobility, to those who have shattered the chains and overthrown tyranny...

To those who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the 'Aqidah, and sacrificed their blood for the sake of values and fundamental principles...

To the brothers that Allah gave me the honour of knowing on the front line of Jihad...

To the prisoners in Cuba, and to the prisoners and those who have been detained in the Arabian Peninsula, and in every other country in the world...

To all of the 'Ulama' who have been persecuted in the land of the Haramayn, to all of those who have fled with their religion, proclaiming the word of truth, to all of the 'Ulama' of Jihad, to my beloved Shaykh Usamah bin Ladin - may Allah protect him and look after him - we dedicate this deed, and we ask Allah ('azza wa-jall) to grant us martyrdom in His Way, and to forgive our sins and efface our evil deeds, and to enter us into Paradise, into the gardens of al-Firdaws. Verily, He is Able to do that, and always ready to respond [to prayers].

And a message that I present to my respected Masha'ikh, and my great 'Ulama':
I have looked over the names of the martyrs and their histories, and it was with great sorrow that I did not find among them a single 'Alim from the 'Ulama' of the Islamic Ummah, who have filled the Islamic libraries with their books. Nor was there a single one of the preachers whose taped lectures have filled the world, in which they talk about the reward of Jihad, and the position of the martyrs with Allah ('azza wa-jall).
So many questions arose in my mind, for which I have not yet found an answer: Why do the 'Ulama' and the preachers not desire the reward of Jihad, and the position of the martyrs with Allah ('azza wa-jall)? Is it that they are not in need of this reward and this position? Or is their role limited to spoken and written words only? But all that I can say is that Allah, the Lord of Honour and Glory, will ask them about that tomorrow. And may Allah have mercy on you, O Shaykh 'Abdullah 'Azzam.

To my brothers, the Mujahideen, firm on the way of truth... I say to them:
Remember the words of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) when he said:
"You must make Jihad in the Way of Allah, for verily, it is one of the gates to Paradise, and with it Allah removes distress and worry."

And he says ('alayhi afdalus-salati wa-atammut-taslim):
"A morning or an evening in the Way of Allah is better than the world and all that is in it."
And he says ('alayhi afdalus-salati was-salam):
"Standing for one hour in the line of battle in the Way of Allah is better than standing in prayer for sixty years."
And he says ('alayhi afdalus-salati wa-atammut-taslim):
"Standing for an hour in the Way of Allah is better than standing in prayer on Laylatul-Qadr next to the Black Stone."
And a message that I present to my family... I say to them:
Remember the authentic Hadith narrated from the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam):
"Verily, for the martyr are seven honours: He is forgiven with the first gush of his blood, he sees his place in Paradise, he is married to seventy-two of the virgins of Paradise, he is protected from the torment of the grave, he is saved from the great fear on the Day of Resurrection, a crown of honour is placed on his head, one jewel of which is better than the world and what it contains, and he is granted permission to intercede for seventy of his relatives."

And to my wife, Umm Amjad... I say:
Verily, Jihad to raise the Word of Allah and establish the religion is an act of worship that is above all other acts of worship, and it is the best means of nearness to Allah, and no other good deed can match it.

And my message to my brothers languishing behind bars in the prisons of the Tawagheet... I say:
You are the people of principles...
You are the lions of Allah.
Do not weaken, but be firm and strong.
And remember that you have been preceded by Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qutb, and al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and many others besides them up until this day.
The reward, with the Permission of Allah, is great, and their situation says:

At the time that the Lord of Majesty descends,
And He has Mercy on our brothers and their state,
And there is no-one who knows about us to ask about us,
And we remembered ease along with the mountains,
And we would drink its purity during the battle,
And we would wipe the tears of the orphan and his family,
And we would smile at faces like crescent moons,
And heroes comparable to knights,
And strength and friendship were our art, And we were lords over our enemies,
As if we were created from mountains,
Youths... and then we were trampled with shoes, Beaten and flogged as Umayyah did to Bilal, Like the actions of the people who are followers of deviation,
And electric shocks were delivered, Saying: "We will violate their honour, if you don't mind."
Forced confessions of an imaginary bombing, And the aim of their matter is the injustice of men.
The first and the last of them are devils. And the sword of Truth cuts, and does not care; I called to Allah in the depths of the night, That He chooses for me good, and right guidance...
For we have been captives in the depths of prison, And we had been waging Jihad in the lands, And we had made the infidels taste a bitter cup.
We helped the Muslims in every land, And we roared in the face of the infidels, In Afghanistan and Chechnya and Bosnia, And now we have returned and prison has become our dwelling place.
So you cast into prison a people who have returned as lions, And today you pour torture over them. Interrogations, beatings, again and again, And ripping out fingernails, what a memory...
Threatening to do this and that, Hanging some of them upside down from the ceilings by their feet, And others' families were brought, And they said: "Tell us about Takfeer, and what you have committed," Oh, for Allah! The people have become intoxicated, Oh, for Allah! The people's injustice is a reminder, My brother, have patience, for their deaths are coming...

And my message to the men of al-Mabahith (the Saudi intelligence agency)... to the dogs of the state:
What is the matter with you that you aid the Tawagheet against your brothers?
Is it for the sake of a handful of money that you spy on the people, on the Muslims, and you torture the Mujahideen?
So fear Allah... fear Allah, and stop harming us, and if you do not, then by Allah, I swear by Allah
Who gave victory to my nineteen brothers over the Americans in the middle of their land:
If you do not stop harming us, then you will get nothing from us except for the sword and the blade, O supporters of the Tawagheet!

And my last message is to the general community of Muslims. I say to them:
Read in the Book of Allah ('azza wa-jall) His Saying (ta'ala) [meaning]:
"Verily, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties in exchange that theirs shall be Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill and are killed. A promise in truth which is binding on Him, in the Tawrah and the Injeel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success."

I ask Allah ('azza wa-jall) to grant me and my brothers the ability to do every kind of good, and to grant us success and to make our view and our shots firm, and to make us from those who slaughter their enemies, and to expel by our hands the enemies of the religion, the Americans and other than them, disgraced and humiliated, and to grant us and our brothers, the Mujahideen, victory in the land of Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam).

So await us, O Americans, for we are coming to you with slaughter.
O Allah, we ask You for success and firmness, and steadfastness upon this religion, until we meet You, enduring patiently and seeking reward, as martyrs advancing and not retreating, on the pure line of Jihad, with the Permission of Allah.
O Allah, to You belongs all praise until You are pleased, O Allah, to You belongs all praise until You are pleased, O Allah, to You belongs all praise until You are pleased, and O Allah send blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions, and grant them abundant peace until the Day of Recompense.
Muhammad ibn Shathaf ash-Shihri MUHAMMAD BIN'ABDUL WAHHAB AL MAQEET (rh)
I invite you to accept Islam by saying Ash-hadu Allahilaha illala wa Ash-haduanna Muhammadarrasoolillah and you will be my brother in Islam and it doesn't matter what your nationality or your colour. After you accept Islam if any enemy attacked you I will do what I can even if it cost my life to save you. We want from all hristian and Jewish to go out from our Islamic countries and release our brothers from jails and stop killink Muslims or we will kill you as you are killinkg Muslims. We will ontinue in our fighting until we get what we want. The real Muslims they mean what they say. Very soon all the world will see what we will do. You will not enjoy in your life forever. Wallahu Akbar. Wal'izzatulillahi wal Islam.

HAZIM KASHMIRI (rh)(ABU 'UMAR AT-TA'IFI)(we consider him as such and Allah is his Reckoner)Arabian Peninsula - Riyaad Rabee' al-Awwal 1424/May 2003

All praise is due to Allah, and may blessings and peace be upon the most noble of the Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and all of his companions.

As to what follows:

Here we are, living in these days following the end of the Crusade in Afghanistan, and now today in Iraq, and we saw with our own eyes the hatred of the Crusaders against the Ummah of Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam): the killing of old men, women and children, the destruction of towns and cities. Allah (ta'ala) said [meaning]:
"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you until you follow their religion."
O youths of Islam: The Crusaders, operating from their military bases, have filled the Arabian Peninsula, which the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) ordered us to expel them from, in his saying (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam):
"Expel the Mushrikeen from the Arabian Peninsula." And his saying:

"The are not to be two religions in the Arabian Peninsula."
And I direct my message to the Islamic Ummah in general, saying to them: I swear by Allah, the Most Great: Never will the Jews and Christians leave the Arabian Peninsula except through Jihad, just as the first Muslims expelled them. So do not put yourselves down, and do not underestimate your ability. Carry your weapons and slay the Jews and Christians wherever you find them. For verily you are the grandsons of the Sahabah, the grandsons of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, 'Umar ibnul-Khattab, 'Uthman ibn 'Affan, 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, Khalid ibnul-Waleed, Usamah ibn Zayd, and 'Amr ibnul-'As (radiyallahu 'anhum ajma'een)... Those who crushed the noses of the Jews and Christians, and who trampled under their feet the empires of Persia and Rome, and who made history with their heroism, from the farthest east in China to the farthest west in al-Andalus. Allah (ta'ala) said [meaning]:
"O you who believe! If you help Allah, He will help you, and make your feet firm."

So let there be killed ones among them, just as there are killed ones from among us in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir, the Philippines, and Bosnia. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Allah (ta'ala) said [meaning]:
"Then whoever aggresses against you, then you aggress likewise against him."
And I call you to that in which lies the best for you in this world and the Hereafter: al-Jihad fi Sabilillah. (Jihad in the Cause of Allah). Allah (ta'ala) said [meaning]:
"March forth, light and heavy, and wage Jihad with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allah. This is better for you, if you knew."

And receive the good tidings of the reward that Allah has promised the Mujahideen when He said [meaning]:
"Verily, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties in exchange that theirs shall be Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill and are killed. A promise in truth which is binding on Him, in the Tawrah and the Injeel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success."
So, O youth of Islam, charge forth to Jihad, charge forth towards a Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, in which there is that which no eye has seen, and no ear has heard, and no human heart has imagined...!! And do not forget the prizes that are prepared for the martyr with Allah, for verily the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) has said:
"Verily, for the martyr are seven honours: He is forgiven with the first gush of his blood, he sees his place in Paradise, he is married to seventy-two of the virgins of Paradise, he is protected from the torment of the grave, he is saved from the great fear on the Day of Resurrection, a crown of honour is placed on his head, one jewel of which is better than the world and what it contains, and he is granted permission to intercede for seventy of his relatives."
And beware of putting the worldly life before the love of Allah and the Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam), and Jihad in the Way of Allah. He said (ta'ala) [meaning]:
"Say: "If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and Jihad in His Cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Decision. And Allah guides not the people who are al-Fasiqeen (rebellious, disobedient)."
And receive the good tidings that the youths of Islam have sworn by Allah to sacrifice their souls in the Way of Allah in order to expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula, and in order to restore to the Ummah its honour and glory, and to heal your chests with their killing, as Allah (ta'ala) has said [meaning]:
"Fight against them, Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them, and give you victory over them and heal the chests of a believing people."
And as for our brothers who are captives in the prisons of the oppressors in every place, we dedicate this deed to them, and we say to them: Receive good tidings, for verily the Victory of Allah is near. And the promise of His Reward for those who have patience is tremendous. So our military martyrdom operations will not cease, with the Permission of Allah, in order to raise the Word of Allah. And Allah is All-Powerful, Almighty, and from Him all help and firmness is sought.

As for the men of al-Mabahith (the Saudi intelligence agency), then I say to them: May Allah's Curse be upon all of you, for you have terrorised our women and our children, and you have made our mothers weep, and you have stripped us and defiled us and our homes, and you have harmed the Awliya' of Allah, the Mujahideen, and the 'Ulama' and the preachers. So I ask Allah to curse you above the earth, below the earth, and on the Day of Resurrection.
As for my message to my parents, my family and my children: It is Allah's Saying (ta'ala):
"Do not think of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision."
And a message to the American troops, in the English language: For the Amerian soldiers we say, you have to know that your government has become a big evil, killing innocent people, destroying homes, stealing our money and holding our sons in jail. We promise that we will not let you live safely and you will not see from us anything else, just bombs, fire, destroying homes, cutting your heads. Our mujahideen is coming to you very soon to let you see what you didn't see before.
O Allah, I ask You by every Name that You possess, with which You have named Yourself, or taught any of Your creation, or kept for Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen, to grant victory to our brothers the Mujahideen in every place, and to raise the banner of Jihad in the land of the Arabian Peninsula, and to expel the Jews and the Christians in disgrace and humiliation from the Arabian Peninsula, and to restore al-Masjidul-Aqsa to Islam and the Muslims.
And with this, all praise is due to Allah, and may blessings and peace be upon the most noble of the Prophets and Messengers.
Your brother, Haazim son of the retired officer in al-Mabahith (intelligence agency), Muhammad Sa'eed 'Abdullah Kashmiri, Abu 'Umar at-Ta'ifi.

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