Tuesday, January 16, 2007

* Why Have We Chosen Jihad?

Why Have We Chosen Jihad?

All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Peace and Blessings of Allah to the Prophet Muhammad, his Companions, members of his family and all true Muslims till the Day of Judgment. And after this...

By the Mercy of Allah Jihad in Dagestan, as well as on all Northern Caucasus gains in strength. There is a number of objective factors and subjective factors which cannot be ignored. The tendency to the growth of Jihad has an offensive force.

First of them: war goes in conditions of growing mistrust of the population to authority of Tagut, that in many aspects bring no efforts of special services of kafirs. Authority of Tagut became very insolent, and it does not wish to see, from the windows of armoured limousines, people with it's troubles and caries. The precipice between people and power is filled with hatred and mistrust.

Corruption in Dagestan has reached a catastrophic level. Although a little significant post costs money and not small.

For example, employment in militia costs up to 5 thousand dollars, and certification of the officer of motor licensing and inspection department - 2 thousand.

At the same time other tendency accrues also. According to the kafirs from UFSB, across Dagestan per 2005 ordinary militiamen had been submitted 850 official reports on dismissal, because nobody wishes to be killed, protecting interests of a ruling clique.

Agrarian question, question of notorious housing and communal services as however, and "privatization" riches of Dagestan has left people in poverty, having deprived with the future. Treachery of national elites in relation to simple people which in exchange for authority and riches, provide loyalty to Moscow, generates numerous local conflicts (Kazbekovsky districct, Korkmaskala, Dokuzpara, Tabasaransky district, etc.).

Unique hope of the simple people there is an Islam and accordingly hope for implementation of Shariah ruling in the country.

One more factor - activization of so-called operative activity of special services which work not only on communications of the "established terrorists", but also on "recruiting base of insurgents", which as it has appeared, is rather extensive.

Thus the Dagestan militiamen declare, the citation: "struggle against extremists however its episodes were successful, this is battle with a hydra: you chop off one head, and on its place two grow new".

In translation into normal language it means, that kafirs work any more only with jama'at "Shariah", and have taken on the account of all Muslims, which for them are recruiting base.

That who yet has not understood, that exposing of an explosive materials and persecutions for a beard it not accident, and law in prosecution of Muslims, on itself it is necessary to test humiliations and a pain from kafirs in this life, and also to answer before Nakiir and Munkar in the future life.

Kafirs do not know, that on a place of one Shahid Allah, Subkhan Taalja, results ten new fighters.

Another characteristic not only for Dagestan, but also for all region is the style of behavior of the people, connected with the local traditions based on the Islam. For example, the person can not divide sights of jama'at, but if from him the relative from among mojaheds asks his help , most likely, he will give this help. He can hide such relative or help by money and products. Allah ordered to help Muslims each other, especially to relatives.

Today it is obvious to the increasing number of Muslims that to change a situation it is possible only by means of Jihad for the sake of Allah. To be called Muslims and to remain those at kafir's authority corrupting people, it is impossible.

Ideas of a peace appeal to Islam as the history of 19-20 centuries shows all have failed, as Muslims to these have departed from Jihad, having grasped for tails of cows from what warned the Prophet (s.a.s.).

On the contrary, owing to pseudo-theories and concepts of Muslims in ties, Ummah it was divided on ihwanii, tablighii, tahririi and other sects. They have not become successful in one country, which would give a real opportunity to live by laws of Allah.

All of them efforts whereas they have missed historical chance, now are directed on even to keep Islamic identity.

In Turkey they are at war for the right to carry a scarf. In Egypt they defend the right to sit in jahiliyyah parliament from which in their tens put in prison. In Libya they are knocked down by tyrant Kaddafi. In Syria they struggle for that their daughters did not carry jeans, and in Jordan they sit at bottom of a royal throne and listen how king Abdalla struggles with terrorism.

Here their real position! And all rest are conversations. They says, that most of all Muslims are in Indonesia, and kafirs in the meantime tear away the whole area, having turned them in a Catholicism. It not a merit of kafirs, but fault of Muslims.

And what has Ummah achieved for 15 years in Dagestan?! It is enough to leave on streets of our cities and villages and to look: whether this Islamic society naming with Muslims?!

In cities debauch and drunkenness by means of saunas, slot machines, restaurants and pubs, in villages general drunkenness, debauch and laziness from unemployment and poverty.

Inspirituality and lack of principles in society, in which for phone can deprive with a life. And the so-called clergy is borrowed by that struggles with attributes, instead of the reason of decomposition,
simulating the "Muslimanity".

Earlier in opinion of clergy in all guest performers were guilty Filya and Hrusha, and now -Moiseyev and Kirkorov. And that they are worse than all of them together taken, these hypocrites do not notice.

They has sold religion of Allah, has deformed Islamic belief, has buried Tauhid, has divided Ummah and has left Jihad. The clergy of Dagestan has turned in kafir's priests whom as prostitutes sit near to naked prostitutes in feasts of kafirs with vodka, congratulating those happy New Year.

As Imam Shamil warned: if you start up Russian kafirs on the ground of Dagestan your wives soon become mommies (prostitutes), and you become lackeys of Russian. So it also has occurred.

But by the Mercy of Allah, behavior of local hypocrites gives the proof from the return. Youth, and behind them and the others start to understand, that it is not same Islam, which was brought by the Prophet (s.a.s.). The youth starts to understand, that the situation can be changed only by real practice and by real actions to which learns us Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.).

If kafirs avert Muslims from Islam by so-called radical measures and it is necessary to be at war with them accordingly. Also has put here not only that the youth does not wish to be reconciled with poverty, and that any free person will not be reconciled with injustice and humiliation to which this authority of Tagut subjects people.

Especially, Muslim cannot be reconciled with kufr and bear humiliations with enemies of Allah. It is a heavy sin.

Freedom do not give, freedom take, and Paradise is on a shadow of the swords.

Victory or Paradise!

Allahu Akbar!

1 comment:

Nachiketh said...

islam should be destroyed from root