Mullah Dadullah: “Taliban Ruled By Shariah”
The correspondent of Turkish newspaper "Vakit", Adem Ozcose, has met with one leader of Islamic Emarah of Afghanistan Mullah Dadullah.
Carrying out a direct management of armed forces of Talibs, Mullah Dadullah has got in the list of the main enemies of the USA.
Mullah Dadullah is the second person in Islamic Emarah of Afghanistan, after Mullah Omar, he supervises over operations against invaders.
The Afghani leader has confirmed, that vicinities of Kabul are practically cleared of forces of NATO. Dadullah has declared: For last year our impacts have considerably amplified. Not paying attention to propagation of the USA, people has supported us. The victory is very close.
Comment of "Vakit": During last months Talibs conduct more and more effective operations against forces of NATO. The most successful operations are carried out in the south of the country, in provinces Helmand, Ghazni, Paktiya, Nemruz.
However we did not have an opportunity to contact people living there. Soldiers of NATO do not pass in this region any representatives of press, trying to not admit outflow of the truthful information.
Wishing to give to our readers of data on a true state of affairs, we have gone there, for performance of this risky problem. With assistance of local residents, we have got into area of the most fierce fights and have got to the mojaheds, connected with Taliban.
Later 15 days after our arrival, we have met with Mullo Dadullah in its headquarters. To him have been asked questions on the most different, the most actual, themes, including about Osama bin Laden.
We expected to see, according to our representations, the severe commander, but Mullah Dadullah has appeared extremely the soft and witty person. We bring to your attention his answers to our questions.
What is your own imagination about Turkey?
In the past Turkey was one of the Islamic centers of the world. During Osman Hilafah it has been released from unbelievers many grounds. In the Osman state was a lot of great alims, rendered significant influence on minds of Muslims.
For this reason since the childhood the respect for Turkish people was inspired us. However, present position of Turkey causes in us a regret. If there was time it is the ground which originated mojaheds and great scientists, now from its territory the American planes fly up attacking to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Kafirs all over the world were afraid Osmans, but now, Turkish authorities neglecting interests of Muslims, having shut eyes to violation of their honor, on assignment of their property, build friendship from the USA.
We wish Turkish people to recollect the nice past, to finish in the present policy and to support Jihad in Afghanistan.
What is now a situation in Afghanistan and in the ranks of Talibs?
First of all it is necessary to note, that many settlements in the south of Afghanistan pass under the control of Taliban. A month ago we have opened front in the north of the country. Northern tribes which have adjoined the Taliban have started to strike blows on forces of invaders.
We spend effective operations to last days against forces of NATO in vicinities of Kabul. During last large operation nearby Helmend we have caused the big loss to English armies.
English soldiers, in one village nearby Helmend have been compelled to surrender in captivity to Taliban. As to Americans, only for last week 4 attacks by shahids against them have been carried out.
By Allah's Mercy , for last year our attacks and our force have considerably amplified. We hope, that the victory is close also Afghani people prepares for liberation.
During last years Taliban showed weak resistance to foreign invaders. Even the USA expected more effective counteraction from the side of Taliban after invasion into Afghanistan, but it has not occurred. How it has turned out, that for last year you have considerably amplified?
To that there are some reasons. Between forces of USA and Taliban there is a big inequality. For example, they possess powerful aircraft, and we are not. Therefore, we have decided to achieve successes in the war for the beginning. We had significant losses at defense of Kabul against the American aircraft, we have refused the further defense of cities and, that, it have compelled Americans to go down on the ground.
On the ground we began to spend every year more and more successful fighting operations against invaders. Other reason consists in false propagation of the USA which falsity was realized by Afghani people during last years.
Having entered into Afghanistan, Americans began to speak much about dissociation of Afghani people by means of broadcasts, they brought to a focus to it. This propagation has considerably strengthened positions of Americans, the skilful manipulation of public consciousness has played a role of shield for American soldiers. However, Afghani people during the expired years has comprehended falsity of the American propagation.
Mojaheds, not possessing powerful information resources, battling to invaders, explained to people falsity of their propagation, in practice proving, that aggressors are not invincible.
Our people, even more often, began to see a real picture of things and has cheered up. Afghans were convinced, that is not so difficult to damage to invaders and to beat them. For this reason our attacks amplify every day.
In the Western press it was informed that Taliban collects forces that in March to begin storm of Kabul. Are such messages truthful?
When we shall storm Kabul, circumstances of war will show. However, the spring-and-summer period is the most important for us and we already now are going considerably to strengthen and increase scale of operations against invaders.
Let Americans and all other aggressors who have intruded our country, wait more, more worst days.
Just as Afghani people has expelled from the country of Russian kafirs in the past, so it will expel also present invaders.
Does al-Kaida participate in fights on the side of Taliban? Whether do you carry out operations against the soldier of NATO together with al-Kaida?
Between Taliban and al-Kaida there are no disagreements and problems. We are together battled against invaders, we operate together with their commanders.
The NATO forces Turkish soldiers to leave Kabul and to be at war against Taliban. What will occur if it will manage to be reached the desirable result?
I wish to ask Turkish people: if armies of the USA have intruded in Turkey, and under their order, together with them the Afghani soldiers would meet smiles of these Afghani the soldier would enter into the country?
It is assured, that is not.
Says, that coming to power of the movement Taliban has been caused by support from USA and Pakistan. Was there actually such support?
It is the great slander erected on Taliban. USA, Pakistan never rendered any help to us. It is enemy propagation against Taliban. They can prove nothing these statements. Taliban is helped only by Allah, Afghani people and faithful brothers Muslims from abroad; anybody is more.
Are there at you any communications with authorities of Pakistan today?
The president of Pakistan Musharraf is devoted friend of Bush. USA, in war against Taliban, have received the greatest support from Musharraf. Regime of Musharraf detained mojaheds, supplied USA by dates, helping them to strike on Taliban.
The military aircraft of USA long time used the Pakistan air stations to bomb Afghanistan.
We hope, that Pakistan people will destroy criminal regime of Musharraf, which is our enemy and the enemy of all Muslims.
When Taliban was at authority in Afghanistan, it criticized for violent planting of religious forms of board in Afghanistan. Having come to authority again, will you continue such policy?
It is lie. We did not make any violence over people. Allah Supreme has enjoined to be guided to all Muslims by instructions of the Qur'an and Sunna. We ruled by Shariah.
Now the mass-media hide successes of Taliban in war against invaders. Western and unfortunately some Muslim information resources succeed in erection of slander on Taliban, including concerning its stay at authority.
By Allah's Mercy, Taliban again begins original clearing of Afghanistan, and again will restore Shariah ruling.
Unless you did not have mistakes? Unless Taliban did not suppose any miscalculations?
Taliban ruled in Afghanistan according to Shariah. From the point of view of instructions of Islam we do not have mistakes. Everything, that Allah has resolved, everything is lawful, that He has forbidden is illegal.
We did not deviate from this principle. We have accepted Qur'an, Sunna and fetwas of ours scholars.
Now Afghani people with impatience expects restoration of board of Taliban. Because, Taliban ruled by Shariah. At that time in Afghanistan there was an Islamic state.
Was there a mistake a destruction of the statues of Buddha?
By no means. Having destroyed statues of Buddha, we have executed instruction of Sunna of our Prophet (sas). Prophet Muhammad (sas), having entered into Mecca, has first of all destroyed idols of pagans.
Do you meet with Osama bin Laden?
Of course.
There are messages, that he is hardly sick. Is this a truth?
Alhamdu liLlah, sheikh Osama feels well. Messages on his death or illness it is a propaganda trick of cowardly kafirs. Every day sheikh Osama asks his Lord about His protection. However, if enemies of Islam can kill him, Jihad on it will not stop, for Islamic land will generate thousands of bin Ladens.
America demanded from you Osama's delivery, you have refused to execute this requirement. As a result of thousand Afghans have been deprived a life. Whether as your way it was better to give out one person to avoid destruction of many thousand, was there your decision erroneous?
In no event. Despite of destruction of thousands Afghans even if USA will not leave a stone on a stone in our country, all of us equally we shall not give out Osama bin Laden, or any other Muslim.
For us, foreign mojaheds being in Afghanistan, are similar to Meccan muhajiruun, arrived in Medina in disposal of oppression of pagans. We, being Afghani ansars, shall always hold opened for them doors of our houses.
Taliban vows spring offensive - abu muQatil
The Taliban will step up attacks on foreign occupation troops in Afghanistan this year and kill anyone who negotiates with the occupants and puppet karzai administration, a senior Taliban commander has said.
Taliban Mujahiddeen staged a surprise comeback last year with the bloodiest violence since US-led occupation troops forced them from power in 2001.
Mullah Dadullah, a Taliban commander, said that there would be more attacks on Nato and US occupation forces this year.
Dadullah told Reuters by satellite telephone:
"Guerrilla attacks on Nato, American and occupation forces will continue and increase this year. The Taliban will inflict heavy casualties on them."
Dadullah said the Taliban had used a winter lull in fighting to draw up new war plans to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. Afghan fighting traditionally falls off during the winter when snow blocks mountain passes.
Dadullah said:
"They will soon come to know about the Taliban's strength and war strategy. We will attack with such a force they will have no time to settle."
The commander ruled out any negotiations while foreign occupation troops were in the country and threatened dire consequences for anyone who held talks.
"Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be killed," he said.
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